We’re building our network in as environmentally friendly a way as possible; using verges, waterways and innovative techniques like blown fibre to keep environmental impact as low as possible. This means we can protect your local area and save you money, without compromising your speed.
A tree for every connection
We have pledged to plant a tree for every home and business that signs up and connects to one of our networks. The more homes that sign up, the greater the impact we can have on the environment.
Non-invasive equipment
We’re building our network using environment-friendly equipment: our specialised, low-impact moleplough keeps disruption to your land and property to an absolute minimum.
Your land, your rules
On top of this, we’ll visit you personally to find which route works best for you. When we’re gone, you’ll barely have noticed we were there.
Taking the carbon out of connectivity
Adopting good internet habits now will ensure your internet carbon footprint isn’t about to rocket along with your bandwidth. Hit the button below to read our guide to keeping your internet footprint down.
Building futureproof rural communities
Environmental sustainability is important to us, but so is the sustainability of the rural way of life. We’re on a mission to give rural communities the internet they need to equalise and upgrade rural living, so people can live and work in the areas they love — and so life in our villages and hamlets can continue long into the future.

A tree for every connection
We have pledged to plant a tree for every home and business that signs up and connects to one of our networks. The more homes that sign up, the greater the impact we can have on the environment.

Non-invasive equipment
We’re building our network using environment-friendly equipment: our specialised, low-impact moleplough keeps disruption to your land and property to an absolute minimum.

Your land, your rules
On top of this, we’ll visit you personally to find which route works best for you. When we’re gone, you’ll barely have noticed we were there.

Taking the carbon out of connectivity
Adopting good internet habits now will ensure your internet carbon footprint isn’t about to rocket along with your bandwidth. Hit the button below to read our guide to keeping your internet footprint down.

Building futureproof rural communities
Environmental sustainability is important to us, but so is the sustainability of the rural way of life. We’re on a mission to give rural communities the internet they need to equalise and upgrade rural living, so people can live and work in the areas they love — and so life in our villages and hamlets can continue long into the future.